viscosity grade bitumen

Viscosity Grade Bitumen and its Important Uses, Applications, Advantages & Disadvantages

The importance of viscosity grade bitumen in industry – Bitumen is a vital material in road construction, roofing, and various industrial applications. Among the different types of bitumen, Viscosity Grade (VG) bitumen stands out for its unique properties and versatility. This blog delves into what importance of viscosity grade bitumen in industry? its uses, applications, advantages, and disadvantages, with a focus on Peak Universal Business as a reliable supplier.

  • Importance of viscosity grade bitumen in industry?

What is Viscosity Grade Bitumen?

Viscosity Grade bitumen, commonly referred to as VG bitumen, is a type of bitumen classified based on its viscosity. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to deformation under shear stress, which essentially means how thick or thin the bitumen is at a given temperature. VG bitumen is categorized into different grades, such as VG-10, VG-20, VG-30, and VG-40, each representing a specific viscosity range at a temperature of 60°C.

Production Process of Viscosity Grade Bitumen

VG bitumen is produced through the distillation of crude oil. The production process involves the following steps:

  1. Distillation: Crude oil is heated in a distillation column to separate lighter fractions from the heavier ones. The heavy fraction, called residue, is then further processed.
  2. Air Blowing: The residue undergoes air blowing, where hot air is passed through it to modify its physical properties, enhancing its viscosity and softening point.
  3. Blending: Different residues are blended to achieve the desired viscosity grade. Additives may also be introduced to improve specific properties.

Uses and Applications of VG Bitumen

VG bitumen is widely used in road construction, waterproofing, and various industrial applications due to its favourable properties. Here are some key uses and applications:

1. Road Construction
  • Pavements: VG bitumen is primarily used in the construction of flexible pavements. Its high viscosity ensures better binding and durability of asphalt mixes.
  • Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): VG bitumen is a key component in HMA, which is used for constructing high-traffic roads and highways.
2. Waterproofing
  • Roofing: VG bitumen is used in waterproofing membranes for roofs, providing excellent protection against water seepage.
  • Damp Proof Courses (DPC): It is applied in DPC to prevent moisture from rising through walls and foundations.
3. Industrial Applications
  • Pipe Coating: VG bitumen is used to coat pipes, protecting them from corrosion and environmental damage.
  • Asphalt Emulsions: It is used in the production of asphalt emulsions, which are used in road maintenance and repair.

Advantages of Viscosity Grade Bitumen

VG bitumen offers several advantages over other types of bitumen, making it a preferred choice in many applications:

  1. Consistent Quality: VG bitumen is manufactured to meet specific viscosity standards, ensuring consistent quality and performance.
  2. High Temperature Stability: It maintains its properties at high temperatures, making it suitable for use in hot climates.
  3. Improved Workability: VG bitumen’s viscosity allows for easier handling and application, especially in road construction.
  4. Enhanced Durability: Roads constructed with VG bitumen exhibit higher resistance to rutting, cracking, and other forms of distress.
  5. Versatility: VG bitumen can be used in a wide range of applications, from road construction to industrial uses.

Disadvantages of Viscosity Grade Bitumen

Despite its many advantages, VG bitumen has some limitations:

  1. Cost: VG bitumen can be more expensive than other types of bitumen due to its specific production process and quality standards.
  2. Temperature Sensitivity: While VG bitumen is stable at high temperatures, it may become too stiff at low temperatures, leading to cracking in cold climates.
  3. Complex Handling: The production and application of VG bitumen require specialized equipment and expertise, which may not be readily available in all regions.
  • Importance of Viscosity Grade Bitumen in Industry

Different Grades of VG Bitumen

VG bitumen is available in various grades, each with specific properties tailored to different applications:

  • Viscosity: Low viscosity, making it suitable for cold climates.
  • Uses: Ideal for spraying applications, surface dressing, and paving in colder regions.
  • Advantages: Easy to work with in low temperatures.
  • Disadvantages: Not suitable for high-temperature applications.
  • Viscosity: Medium viscosity.
  • Uses: Suitable for moderate climates, used in paving and road construction.
  • Advantages: Balanced performance in various climates.
  • Disadvantages: Limited use in extreme temperature conditions.
  • Viscosity: High viscosity, suitable for hot climates.
  • Uses: Ideal for high-traffic roads and highways, hot mix asphalt.
  • Advantages: Excellent performance in hot climates, high durability.
  • Disadvantages: More challenging to work with in colder temperatures.
  • Viscosity: Very high viscosity, used in extremely hot climates.
  • Uses: Heavy-duty pavements, airfields, and industrial applications.
  • Advantages: Superior performance in extreme heat, very high durability.
  • Disadvantages: Very stiff in low temperatures, complex handling.

Quality Tests for VG Bitumen

Ensuring the quality of VG bitumen is crucial for its performance in various applications. Some common quality tests include:

  1. Viscosity Test: Measures the fluidity of bitumen at different temperatures.
  2. Penetration Test: Assesses the hardness of bitumen by measuring the depth a needle penetrates the sample.
  3. Softening Point Test: Determines the temperature at which bitumen softens.
  4. Ductility Test: Measures the bitumen’s ability to stretch without breaking.
  5. Flash Point Test: Determines the temperature at which bitumen emits vapors that can ignite.
Environmental Considerations

The production and use of VG bitumen have environmental implications. Efforts are being made to minimize the environmental impact through the following measures:

  1. Recycling: Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is used to reduce the demand for new bitumen and lower environmental impact.
  2. Emission Control: Modern production facilities implement emission control technologies to reduce air pollution.
  3. Sustainable Sourcing: Using crude oil sources that adhere to environmental standards.
Future Prospects

The future of VG bitumen looks promising with advancements in technology and increased focus on sustainability:

  1. Innovative Additives: Research is being conducted on additives that can enhance the properties of VG bitumen, such as improved temperature performance and reduced environmental impact.
  2. Green Bitumen: Development of eco-friendly bitumen variants that use sustainable raw materials and have lower carbon footprints.
  3. Smart Roads: Integration of VG bitumen in smart road technologies that can self-heal and adapt to changing traffic conditions.

Peak Universal Business: As a VG Bitumen Supplier

Peak Universal Business is a leading supplier of VG bitumen, offering high-quality products that meet industry standards. Their expertise in sourcing, production, and distribution ensures that clients receive reliable and consistent VG bitumen for their projects. Whether for road construction, industrial applications, or waterproofing, Peak Universal Business provides tailored solutions to meet specific needs.


VG bitumen is a versatile and essential material in construction and industrial applications. Its unique properties, including high viscosity and temperature stability, make it ideal for various uses. Despite some disadvantages, its benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, making it a preferred choice in many regions. With a reliable supplier like Peak Universal Business, clients can be assured of the quality and performance of VG bitumen for their projects.


You can Read More about VG Grade Bitumen Here: 

Specifications of Viscosity Grade Bitumen

How is Viscosity Bitumen Manufactured ?

Uses of Viscosity Grade Bitumen (VG Bitumen)

What is the viscosity grade of asphalt and its uses?

VG Grade Bitumen

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