How to check Quality of Bitumen?, Penetration Test of Bitumen, How to Softening Point Test of Bitumen, Viscosity Test of Bitumen,

Bitumen quality testing under different conditions for its optimal use

How to check Quality of Bitumen? Bitumen, a versatile material with a range of properties, is crucial for various industries, especially in road construction. To ensure its optimal use, bitumen undergoes rigorous testing to assess its quality and suitability for specific applications. These tests are conducted before, during, and after application, and they help classify bitumen based on its physical attributes.

Cracks in asphalt, often caused by traffic and temperature fluctuations, can significantly diminish its quality and lifespan. By employing bitumen tests to evaluate the quality of the bitumen binder and selecting the appropriate type for the prevailing conditions, we can mitigate the risk of cracking and damage to the asphalt, thereby extending its longevity and performance.

There are several different types of  Tests which can be used to check the Quality of the Bitumen, the consistency of bitumen is crucially assessed through penetration, viscosity, and ductility tests. These methods are pivotal in evaluating bitumen’s resistance to flow and predicting its hardness or elasticity across different temperatures. Moreover, they serve as the cornerstone for classifying various bitumen types.

The viscosity test is highly reliable for categorizing bitumen based on its temperature susceptibility. Additionally, certain tests have been introduced to the industry to bolster the safety of bitumen applications, with the flash point test being a notable example, mandated in many countries.

Today we are going to discuss the most important 11 Tests. These are discussed below:

  1. Penetration Test of Bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? The penetration test is a critical measure of bitumen’s consistency, used to grade it based on its penetration value, or hardness. This grading system aids in selecting the appropriate bitumen for specific temperature conditions. Harder bitumen types perform better in hot temperatures and under heavy traffic loads, while softer bitumen is more effective in cold weather.

Test Method:

In a bitumen penetration test, a needle carrying a 100-gram load is vertically inserted into the bitumen for 5 seconds at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The depth of needle penetration is measured in increments of 0.1 mm. A higher needle penetration indicates a higher bitumen grade.

  1. Ductility Test of Bitumen

How to Ductility Test of Bitumen? Ductility Test of Bitumen is a crucial property that influences the quality of asphalt. A bitumen binder with sufficient ductility can withstand traffic loads and accommodate temperature fluctuations by expanding and contracting. This reduces the likelihood of cracking and extends the lifespan of the asphalt.

The Ductility Test of Bitumen involves stretching bitumen to assess its cohesive strength.

Test Method:

Ductility Test of Bitumen, begins by pouring a liquefied bitumen sample into the tester, which is then submerged in a water bath. The tester, containing the bitumen, is then pulled at a speed of 5 cm/min, maintaining a temperature below the bitumen’s softening point. The ductility of the bitumen is determined by the length it can stretch before tearing apart.

  1. Viscosity Test of Bitumen

How to Viscosity Test of Bitumen? The Viscosity Test of Bitumen is important for assessing bitumen’s resistance to flow, with higher viscosity indicating greater resistance. Through years of research and practical experience, engineers have observed that two bitumen samples with the same penetration at 25°C can exhibit different behaviors at higher temperatures. To demonstrate these differences, experiments are conducted.

Viscosity also plays a significant role in compacting aggregates uniformly to create a cohesive asphalt mix. Predicting bitumen viscosity at temperatures like 60°C and 135°C provides valuable insights into the optimal mixing and compaction temperatures for bitumen-aggregate blends. Control over bitumen viscosity yields numerous benefits, including enhanced resilience, reduced maintenance costs, minimized fatigue cracking, and decreased susceptibility to temperature variations.

Test Method:

Bitumen viscosity is typically determined by placing a sample in a viscometer and measuring the flow-out time under specific conditions. To calculate viscosity, the calibration coefficient of the viscometer is multiplied by the time in seconds.

  1. Solubility in TCE Test of Bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? The solubility test of bitumen is a means of gauging the inorganic content of the bitumen, effectively revealing the impurities present in the sample.

To ensure high-quality construction, it is imperative to use bitumen that is devoid of impurities. Asphalt that is less than 99% soluble in trichloroethylene cannot yield a uniform and stable mixture.

Test Method:

To conduct the solubility test of bitumen, begin by dissolving a 2-gram sample of bitumen in 125 ml of trichloroethylene. Afterward, weigh the solution and filter it. Proceed to wash the insoluble matter, dry it, and weigh it again.

The percentage of insoluble material is then calculated using the following formula:

Insoluble matter (%) = (mass of insoluble materials / mass of bitumen sample) * 100

  1. Loss on heating test of bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? The loss on heating test of bitumen is designed to determine the percentage of volatile components present in the bitumen sample.

High volatility during the heating process for paving can lead to the bitumen becoming hardened, less flexible, and brittle. Consequently, asphalt produced with such bitumen may lack durability against temperature changes and traffic loads.

In construction, the loss on heating of the bitumen binder should ideally be below 1%.

Test Method:

To conduct the loss on heating test of bitumen, begin by heating a 50-gram sample of bitumen in an oven at 163 degrees Celsius. After heating, weigh the bitumen sample again.

The percentage of loss on heating is then calculated using the following formula:

Loss on heating (%) = [(Initial weight – Final weight) / Initial weight] * 100

  1. Spot Test of Bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? A spot test of bitumen is done to make sure that the bitumen has not been compromised during the refinery’s overheating process.

Bitumen that has undergone cracking damage lacks the requisite stickiness to effectively bind aggregates together. Additionally, it is unable to withstand the aging process.

Test Method:

To conduct the spot test of bitumen, begin by placing 10 ml of solvent in a flask containing 2 grams of bitumen sample. Rotate the solution for 5 seconds, then place it in boiling water for 55 seconds. Repeat these steps until the bitumen is completely dissolved.

After the solution cools to room temperature, place a drop on filter paper. If the trace of the drop is brown with a black center, the test is positive, indicating that the bitumen is damaged. If the trace is brown, the test should be repeated. The test is negative if the brown color appears again, but positive if the drop is brown with a black center.

  1. Float Test of Bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? The float test is utilized to assess the consistency of a bitumen sample with high viscosity. Traditional tests like viscosity and penetration are not suitable for highly viscous specimens, such as distillation residues and emulsion residues.

The consistency of a bitumen binder is crucial for maintaining the flexibility of asphalt and preventing cracking.

Test Method

To conduct the float test, first heat the bitumen sample to make it flow. Then, pour the sample into the collar and allow it to cool. Then, screw the collar to the alumina float. Initially, float the entire assembly in a water bath at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. Once the assembly reaches temperature equilibrium, transfer it to a water bath at 50 degrees Celsius. Observe the time it takes for the water to start flowing through the material.

  1. Drop in Penetration After Heating Test of Bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? The drop in penetration test is used to assess the hardness and volatile content of bitumen.

During construction, as bitumen is heated, the volatile components evaporate, causing it to harden. The hardness of bitumen after heating increases with a higher volatile content.

Test Method

To conduct the drop in penetration test after heating, place the bitumen in a container. Next, apply a needle with a load of 100 grams for 5 seconds, ensuring that the penetration is measured on a 0.1mm scale. Then, place the bitumen sample in an oven at 163 degrees Celsius for 5 hours. After removing the sample and allowing it to cool, repeat the penetration test.

The drop in penetration value (%) is calculated as follows:

[ (difference between the two amounts of penetration) / initial amount ] * 100

  1. Softening Point Test of Bitumen

How to Softening Point Test of Bitumen? Bitumen does not possess a distinct melting point; instead, its Softening Point marks the temperature at which it begins to melt. Viscosity plays a crucial role in ensuring that aggregates adhere well together. As temperature increases, bitumen gradually softens, leading to a decrease in viscosity. Consequently, asphalt softens and loses its uniformity.

Therefore, it is essential to determine the temperature at which bitumen starts to melt and soften.

Softening Point Test Method

The ring and ball method is a laboratory technique used to measure the softening point of bitumen. In this test, a bitumen sample is placed between two brass rings, and two steel balls are positioned on top of the bitumen samples. The assembly is then submerged in a water bath and heated.

The Softening Point temperature is determined by the temperature at which a steel ball, coated with bitumen, touches the bottom of a glass beaker.

  1. Specific gravity test of bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? The specific gravity test is used to determine the ratio of the weight of bitumen to the weight of water with the same volume. Each type of bitumen has a distinct specific gravity, which aids in its classification. Specific gravity can also help identify impurities in bitumen, as impure bitumen typically has a higher specific gravity. Impurities are a critical consideration in construction, as they can lead to low-quality pavement when present in bitumen binders.

Two methods commonly used to calculate specific gravity are the pycnometer method and the balance method.

Here, we will describe the pycnometer method.

Test Method

To perform the test, first we need to measure the following, then use the equations:

A= mass of pycnometer

B= mass of the pycnometer that is filled with water

C= mass of pycnometer about half-filled with the bitumen

D = mass of the pycnometer about half-filled with the material and the rest with distilled water

E = mass of the pycnometer filled with the bitumen.

For solid and semi-solid bitumen:

Specific gravity= (C-A)/[(B-A)-(D-C)]

For liquid bitumen:

Specific gravity=(E-A)/(B-A)

  1. Flash and Fire Point Test of Bitumen

How to check Quality of Bitumen? When flammable or combustible materials are heated, vapor is generated near their surfaces. The flash point is the lowest temperature at which the vapor ignites in the presence of an ignition source, producing an instantaneous flame.

The fire point is a temperature higher than the flash point, at which the flame persists for more than 5 seconds.

Two well-known instruments used to measure the flash and fire points are

  1. The Pensky-Martens.
  2. The Cleveland open cup T

Test Method

In the Cleveland open cup tester, the test cup is initially filled with bitumen. As the sample is heated, its temperature gradually increases. A test flame is then passed over the surface of the test cup. At the flash point temperature, the sample vapor ignites, producing a flame.

To determine the fire point, the sample is further heated until a flame appears above it. This flame must persist for at least 5 seconds.


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