Viscosity Bitumen Manufacture, Applications of VG Bitumen, Manufacturing Process of VG Bitumen, VG Bitumen is extensively used in road construction

Viscosity Bitumen: Its Key Properties, Manufacturing Process & Applications

How is Viscosity Bitumen Manufactured ? Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen is a crucial material used in numerous industrial applications, particularly in road construction and maintenance. This blog will delve into the detailed process of manufacturing VG Bitumen, its properties, applications, and why Peak Universal Business is the ideal supplier for this essential product.

What is Viscosity Grade Bitumen?

Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen is a type of bitumen classified based on its viscosity. Unlike other types of bitumen, which are classified by penetration, VG Bitumen’s classification is based on its viscosity, making it more consistent and reliable for specific applications.

Key Properties of VG Bitumen

  1. Viscosity: Measured at 60°C (140°F) and 135°C (275°F) to ensure consistent performance.
  2. Temperature Sensitivity: VG Bitumen is less sensitive to temperature variations, providing more stable performance across different climates.
  3. Penetration: Although not the primary classification method, penetration values are still important for specific applications.
  4. Softening Point: The temperature at which bitumen softens, indicating its resistance to heat.

The Manufacturing Process of VG Bitumen

Manufacturing Process of VG Bitumen: The production of VG Bitumen involves several stages, each critical to ensuring the final product meets stringent quality standards. Here is an in-depth look at How is Viscosity Bitumen Manufactured :

1. Crude Oil Selection

The process begins with the selection of appropriate crude oil. The quality and type of crude oil significantly impact the properties of the final bitumen product. Crude oil suitable for bitumen production is typically rich in heavy hydrocarbons.

2. Distillation

The selected crude oil undergoes a distillation process in a refinery. This process separates the crude oil into different fractions based on their boiling points. The primary fractions include:

  • Light Distillates: Such as gasoline and naphtha.
  • Middle Distillates: Such as diesel and kerosene.
  • Heavy Distillates: Which include the heavy residue that will be further processed into bitumen.

The heavy residue, also known as vacuum residue, is the key component used for bitumen production.

3. Vacuum Distillation

To further refine the heavy residue, it undergoes vacuum distillation. In this process, the residue is heated under reduced pressure, which allows for the separation of lighter hydrocarbons from the heavier components. This step is crucial as it produces a material with the desired viscosity and other properties necessary for VG Bitumen.

4. Air Blowing Process

The vacuum residue is then subjected to an air blowing process. In this stage, air is blown through the heated residue, causing a chemical reaction that modifies the structure of the bitumen. This process increases the viscosity and softening point of the bitumen, making it suitable for various applications.

There are two main types of air blowing processes:

  • Catalytic Air Blowing: Uses catalysts to accelerate the chemical reactions, producing bitumen with specific properties.
  • Non-Catalytic Air Blowing: Relies solely on the chemical reactions between the air and the heated residue.

The choice between these methods depends on the desired properties of the final VG Bitumen product.

5. Blending

To achieve the precise specifications required for VG Bitumen, blending is often necessary. This involves mixing different grades of bitumen or adding specific additives to modify the properties. Blending ensures that the final product meets the required viscosity, penetration, and softening point values.

6. Quality Control and Testing

Quality control is a critical part of the VG Bitumen manufacturing process. Throughout the production stages, samples are taken and tested to ensure they meet the required standards. Key tests include:

  • Viscosity Testing: Measures the resistance to flow at specific temperatures.
  • Penetration Testing: Determines the hardness of the bitumen.
  • Softening Point Testing: Establishes the temperature at which bitumen softens.
  • Ductility Testing: Measures the elongation before breaking.

These tests ensure that the VG Bitumen produced meets industry standards and is suitable for its intended applications.

Applications of VG Bitumen

VG Bitumen is used in a variety of applications, primarily in the construction and maintenance of roads. Its stable viscosity and reliable performance make it ideal for these uses.

1. Road Construction

VG Bitumen is extensively used in road construction due to its superior properties. It provides a durable and flexible pavement surface that can withstand heavy traffic and varying weather conditions.


  • Asphalt Concrete: VG Bitumen is mixed with aggregates to form asphalt concrete, used for constructing roads, highways, and runways.
  • Bituminous Macadam: A type of road surface made from VG Bitumen and coarse aggregates.
  • Surface Dressing: VG Bitumen is sprayed onto road surfaces, followed by the application of aggregates to improve skid resistance and seal the surface.
2. Road Maintenance

Maintaining roads is crucial for ensuring safety and prolonging the lifespan of the pavement. VG Bitumen is used in various maintenance techniques to repair and rejuvenate road surfaces.


  • Pothole Repair: VG Bitumen is used to fill and seal potholes, preventing further damage and ensuring a smooth surface.
  • Crack Sealing: It is used to seal cracks in the pavement, preventing water ingress and subsequent damage.
  • Overlaying: A layer of VG Bitumen is applied over existing road surfaces to restore their condition and extend their life.
3. Industrial Applications

Beyond road construction and maintenance, VG Bitumen is also used in several industrial applications due to its adhesive and waterproofing properties.


  • Roofing Felt: VG Bitumen is used in the production of roofing felt, providing a waterproof barrier for buildings.
  • Pipe Coating: It is used to coat pipelines, protecting them from corrosion and environmental damage.
  • Insulation: VG Bitumen is used as an insulating material in various industrial applications.

Advantages of VG Bitumen

VG Bitumen offers several advantages that make it a preferred choice in various applications:

1. Consistent Performance: The viscosity grading system ensures consistent performance across different temperatures and conditions.

2. Enhanced Durability: VG Bitumen provides excellent durability, making it suitable for high-traffic roads and harsh weather conditions.

3. Improved Flexibility: It offers enhanced flexibility, reducing the likelihood of cracks and damage.

4. Versatility: VG Bitumen is versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications, from road construction to industrial uses.

5. Temperature Stability: It is less sensitive to temperature variations, ensuring stable performance in different climates.

Why Choose Peak Universal Business as Your VG Bitumen Supplier?

When it comes to sourcing high-quality VG Bitumen, Peak Universal Business stands out as the preferred supplier. Here are some reasons why choose PUB (VG Bitumen Supplier) :

1. Quality Assurance: Peak Universal Business ensures that their VG Bitumen meets the highest quality standards, providing reliable and consistent materials for your projects.

2. Competitive Pricing: They offer competitive prices without compromising on quality, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

3. Reliable Supply Chain: With a robust supply chain, Peak Universal Business guarantees timely delivery, ensuring your projects proceed without delay.

4. Expertise and Support: Their team of experts is always available to provide guidance and support, helping you select the right products for your specific needs.

5. Customer Satisfaction: Committed to customer satisfaction, Peak Universal Business offers exceptional service and support, ensuring a seamless procurement experience.


How is Viscosity Bitumen Manufactured? VG Bitumen is an essential material in the construction and maintenance of roads, offering numerous benefits such as consistent performance, enhanced durability, and improved flexibility.

The Manufacturing Process of VG Bitumen involves several critical stages, including crude oil selection, distillation, air blowing, blending, and rigorous quality control.

Understanding the detailed process of manufacturing VG Bitumen and its applications can help you make informed decisions when sourcing this vital material.

By choosing Peak Universal Business as your supplier, you can be confident in receiving high-quality VG Bitumen, competitive pricing, reliable delivery, and expert support. Whether you need VG Bitumen for road construction, maintenance, or industrial applications, Peak Universal Business has the expertise and resources to meet your needs. Experience the difference in quality and service by partnering with Peak Universal Business for your VG Bitumen requirements.


You can Read More about How is Viscosity Bitumen Manufactured Here:
Uses of Viscosity Grade Bitumen (VG Bitumen)
Viscosity Grade Bitumen and its Importance in Industry
Viscosity Grade Bitumen & Its Specifications
What is the viscosity grade of asphalt and its uses?

VG Grade Bitumen

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